Orioles_Rule Poker Palace

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

3 MTTs

Buy-Ins: $141

Results: No cashes

Total Profit/Loss: - $141

Had a stack of @ 20K in the 10:15 poker stars rebuy after the rebuy period, but then went kinda card dead and ended up bluffing off most of my stack to someone holding the nut flush... doh! It was something that I really didn't need to do... i gotta work on that, cuz I do it too frequently. Anyway, I built the stack back up a bit but then my A/K lost to A/Q in a pre-flop race. Lame! I finally went all-in on a harmless looking board with K/10 of hearts... "cigar" on Poker Stars (the guy with the previous nut flush) made an awesome call with A/Q for the rest of my chips.

In the $55 MTT, I went out real early as I got all my chips in with K/K. The other guy had A/A...oh well, nothing I can do there.

Finally, in the 90-man $55 i went out around 24th or so. Got low on chips and tried to bluff by going all in while in the small blind. The original limper had aces and the big blind had jacks.... i had 9/J. Bad timing!


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